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Who We Support

We support adults who have either a learning disability or autism as their primary support need.

We Support

Adults With Learning Disabilities

We support adults with a diagnosis of learning disabilities who have significant support needs and require packages of support that are based on their personal needs, wishes and choices.

We support individuals with varying levels of learning disability from Mild to Severe. Currently all services whether residential or supported living provide support on a 24hour basis.

Individuals have varying levels of learning disability from Mild to Severe. Currently all services whether residential or supported living provide support on a 24hour basis.

Through individuals Support Plans we tailor support to meet their needs in areas such as:

Personal Care /

Emotional & Psychological Support /

Communication /

Daily Living Skills And Developing Independence /

Active Support /

Educational, Occupational And Leisure Activities/

Health And Fitness /

Employment And Housing Options

We Support

Challenging Behaviour

Many of the individuals we support, alongside their Learning Disability may present with Challenging Behaviour:

Our staff are trained to support individuals using Positive Behaviour Support and PROACT-SCIPr-UK® as well as Safeguarding training. This training is refreshed regularly.

Through our assessment process we determine compatibility with other individuals as well as how to design the environment to meet their needs and safely manage any incidents of challenging behaviour.

Our company Positive Behaviour Support Team provide all of our teams with support in how to work with individuals that present with challenging behaviour, how to follow their Positive Behaviour Support Plans and Risk Assessments, make regular recordings and assessment of behaviour and how to ensure a consistent approach.

Support Individuals

Use Positive Behaviour Support


We Determine Compatibility

Positive Behaviour Support Team

Consistent Approach

‘Culturally abnormal behaviour(s) of such an intensity, frequency or duration that the physical safety of the person or others is likely to be placed in serious jeopardy, or behaviour which is likely to seriously limit use of, or result in the person being denied access to, ordinary community facilities.’

(Emerson, 2001)

We Support


We currently support individuals who have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Conditions, often though not exclusively alongside a diagnosis of a learning disability.

Every person with autism is unique and we tailor our packages of support around their individualised needs, alongside having a clear understanding on how their autism can best be supported.

Staff are trained in Understanding Autism and Helpful Approaches in Supporting People with Autism as standard.

We Support

Other Complex Needs

Individuals may have other complex needs alongside their learning disability such as:

Epilepsy /

Mental Health Problems /

Sensory Impairment /

Forensic History /

Specific Syndromes And Conditions