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West Sussex

Currently all of our supported living services provide support to individuals over a 24hour period, at night providing either a sleep in, waking night or both if required.

Care Homes

Fiddler’s Rest

Fiddlers Rest is a residential care home supporting adults with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour who may also be on the Autistic Spectrum.

The Old Pepperpot

The Old Pepperpot House is registered to support individuals with learning disabilities, autism and challenging behaviour between the ages of 18-65. The home currently supports 5 male service users but is registered to support both males and females, the service was opened in 2006.

Oxford House

Oxford House is registered to support 6 individuals with learning disabilities, challenging behaviour and Autism, between the ages of 18-65.

Supported Living Services

Beach Green

This house is situated very close to Shoreham Beach.

High Noon

A large detached property boasting beautiful views of the South Downs in semi-rural Pulbourough.

Squirrel Lodge

This is a detached property on the outskirts of Worthing.